Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pinnacle of anguish

Though there was this feeling to let him go -to set him free for his peace of mind, there i was at the pinnacle of extreme agony, sorrow and distress, just couldn't bear the thought of dreams being shattered all over again, all i wanted was for me to let me love him for eternity and yes got inclined towards his immensely lucid love and tender care for me , just wanted it throughout my life by letting me be his soul mate, is there something wrong with me desiring or dreaming?
a'int I supposed to dream ? or I just dream about the most impossible things ?.. whatever, I just don't know why things don't simply work out for me, i am not complaining , just too perplexed about everything around me

I don’t know why I must be the one to sacrifice things all the time , why cant someone just sacrifice something for me ? am i not worth anything at all ? vexed up i am , am i just too naive and thats why i am the person to be deserted all the time ? here i am – in a dilemma of whether or not to to tell him what i feel and what i want , will that even make any difference ? should i be expecting him to value all this even though he has done alot for me that i can never repay ? but i do think he knows it , he must be knowing i really love him alot , and it’s just not easy for me to get throug

h him , what the hell! I just got in love with him and its already departure time ! i wanted this love to be a never ending and ever lasting one ! why why why ! hush-hush fathi ! why is he quite even after he knows so much about me and also about what he deeply means to me?
Doesn’t he understand that i need him more than he needs me- more than anyone could ever need him ? doesn’t he understand i admire everything he does n says ? i am just impressed and inspired by him all the time- doesn’t he know this ? doesn’t he know i consider myself indebted to him forever for the support and companionship he gave me during the worst of my times ? i really want to do something for him , anything that he would desire for i am just ready to give him anything as long as it is possible for me, but i just don’t know what he wants, i just wish i could be his fairy who will grant him three wishes and he gets anything he wishes for , but that would still be very much inadequate, God i just want to give him what he wants – something that will last with him foever or till eternity , but how will i know what can i do for him ?
If he does know all this and still remains silent ? Does this show that he isn’t interested in this , if thats the case then it just don’t want to take the biggest risk of losing him now by speaking out about my feelings for him , oh God ! i cant even think of it actually, well but if he is interested and there is someother reason then whats the trouble ? nothing at
all ! i am ready to wait forever actually then what exactly is his problem? .. seems like there’s just no use asking so many questions to myself , may be he is just incoherent himself about all this, i must not
force either .
Well i’ve tried and am getting over that anguish actually , i am more than just tired grieving over the catastrophes of my life, and i am going to converge my deligence on the vivacious side of my life and move along with the flow , life is just beautiful to those who wanna see its beauty and i am really dying to see the beautiful side – my
family, my friends and most of all its him who makes me feel like i live in Shangri-la, no matter what goes on , life has just become so divinely beautiful since Jan 14th , enchanting life – with him – in my heart forever is what i look forward for from now..

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